Purchase Order Information

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Enter general information about the PO you are creating.

1 Using up to 22 letters or numbers, type a unique PO Number.

2 Type the date you want to use for the PO, if other than today's date.

Use the YYYY-MM-DD format. You must type the dashes.

3 Optionally, select the purpose of the PO you are creating.

4 Optionally, select the type of PO you are creating.

Purchase Order Addressing Information

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Enter addressing information for the PO and for the goods you are ordering. GXS TradeWeb automatically fills in the addressing information for your company and for the company to whom you are sending this PO.

1 Type the name and address of the company or person that should be billed for the goods ordered on this PO.

2 Type the name and address information for the company or person to which the goods ordered on this PO should be shipped.

If you do not enter information here, the goods are billed and shipped to the address listed in the "PO will be sent from" area.

Invoice and Purchase Order Line Items

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Enter details about the goods you are ordering or invoicing.


Complete this section for each type of item.

1 Using up to 6 numbers, type the number (quantity) of this item.

2 Select the type of units that apply to this item.

3 Using up to 9 numbers or 8 numbers and a decimal point, type the unit price for this item.

If you do not enter a decimal point, a whole number is assumed. For example, if you type 20 without a decimal point, $20.00 is assumed.

4 Using up to 80 characters, type a description of this item.

5 To specify reference information for this item, do the following.

  1. Select the reference type for this item, that is, the Buyer's Part Number or other type of reference that identifies this item.
  2. Using up to 40 characters, type a description of the Reference Type.

If you complete one of these items, you must complete the other.

GXS TradeWeb automatically calculates the line item and form totals for you.

Invoice and Purchase Order Payment Details

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Enter information about the payment terms for the goods you are ordering or invoicing.

1 Optionally, select the type of payment terms.

2 To specify a payment due date, do the following.

  1. Using up to 3 numbers, type the number of days that payment is due after a certain event, such as Delivery Date.
  2. Select the event, such as Delivery Date, after which payment is due by the number of days you entered.


  • If you complete one of these items, you must complete the other.
  • If you selected Discount not applicable in Step 1, you must complete these Payment Due items.

3 To specify discount terms, do the following.

  1. Using up to 5 numbers (with or without a decimal point), type the percent discount on these items if payment is received within a certain number of days.
  2. Using up to 3 numbers, type the number of days within which a discount may be given if payment is received.

If you complete one of these items, you must complete the other.

Purchase Order Payment Reference Information

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Enter information about any applicable payment agreements/contracts established with this Trading Partner.

1 To specify the item documenting your specified payment terms, do the following.

  1. Using up to 30 characters, type the item Reference Number.
  2. Using up to 80 characters, type a description of the Reference item.

2 To specify the charge card you are using to purchase these goods, do the following.

  1. Select the type of charge card.
  2. Type the charge card account number, followed by a colon and the expiration date in the MM-YY format.
    For example, 9876543212345678:03-98

Purchase Order Contact Information

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Enter information about people who are contacts for this order, in case the supplier has questions about the order itself or the shipping of the items.

1 Optionally, type the name, phone number, and Fax number of the person at your company who can answer questions or resolve issues about this order.

2 Optionally, type the name, phone number, and Fax number of the person at your company who can answer questions or resolve issues about the shipment of these items.

Purchase Order Shipping Details

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In this section, enter information about how you want the items on this order to be shipped.

1 Select the party responsible for paying the shipping costs of these items.

2 To specify a shipment method or carrier, do the following.

  1. Select the carrier type who will be shipping these items.
  2. Using up to 35 characters, type the name of the carrier you want to ship these items.
  3. Type the date that you want the items to be shipped.
    Use the YYYY-MM-DD format. You must type the dashes.

3 Optionally, select the length of time for shipping these items.

4 Optionally, enter the cancellation date by which you want this order canceled if the items have not been shipped.

Use the YYYY-MM-DD format, remembering to type the dashes.

5 To specify a shipping source location, do the following.

  1. Select the type of source location that the items should be shipped from.
  2. Using up to 80 characters, type the name of the source location that the items should be shipped from.

If you complete one of these items, you must complete the other.

Invoice Information

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Enter general information about the Invoice you are creating.

1 Using up to 22 letters or numbers, type a unique Invoice Number for this Invoice.

2 Type the date you want to use for the Invoice, if other than today's date.

Use the YYYY-MM-DD format. You must type the dashes.

3 Optionally, select the type of Invoice you are creating.

4 Optionally, use up to 22 letters and numbers to type the PO number that you are billing against with this Invoice.

5 To specify the status of the PO you are invoicing, do the following.

  1. Select the status of the order (PO) that you are billing against.
  2. Type the date on which the status you selected takes effect.

If you select a status, you must enter an effective date.

Addressing Information

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GXS TradeWeb automatically provides addressing information for your company and the company to whom you are sending the Invoice. You do not need to do anything in this section.

Invoice Taxes and Shipping Charges

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In this section, enter information about any Taxes and Shipping Charges you are charging for the items on this Invoice.

1 To specify any Tax Charges, do the following.

  1. Select the tax type you are charging.
  2. Using up to 10 numbers or 9 numbers and a decimal point, type the amount charged for the type of tax you selected. If you do not enter a decimal point, a whole number is assumed. For example, if you type 20 without a decimal point, $20.00 is assumed.
  3. Repeat these two steps to specify additional taxes.

2 To specify any Shipping Charges, do the following:

  1. Select the shipping charge type.
  2. Using up to 10 numbers or 9 numbers and a decimal point, type the amount charged for the shipping charge you selected. If you do not enter a decimal point, a whole number is assumed. For example, if you type 20 without a decimal point, $20.00 is assumed.
  3. Repeat these two steps to specify additional shipping charges.

GXS TradeWeb automatically totals all charges on the invoice for you.

Invoice Shipping Details

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In this section, enter information about shipping the items on this Invoice.

1 To specify shipment carrier information, do the following.

  1. Select the carrier type used.
  2. Using up to 35 characters, type the carrier name.

If you complete one of these items, you must complete the other.

2 Optionally, select the current shipping status of the items.

3 To specify shipping reference information, do the following.

  1. Select the tracking method type used by the shipper.
  2. Using up to 30 characters, type the shipper reference number for the order you are billing against.

If you complete one of these items, you must complete the other.

Purchase Order Acknowledgment

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1 Are you creating this POA form as a reply to a Purchase Order?

If so, the Purchase Order Number and date are automatically filled from the PO you are replying to. Go to the next step.

If not, do the following.

  1. Using up to 22 letters or numbers, type the PO number.

  2. Using the YYYY-MM-DD format, type the date of the PO. You must type the dashes.

2 To specify the status of the PO you are acknowledging, doing the following.

  1. Select whether you are accepting the PO, rejecting the PO, or placing the PO on hold.
  2. Type the date that the status you selected takes effect, if other than today's date. Use the YYYY-MM-DD format, remembering to type the dashes.