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In GXS TradeWeb, a template is an EDI message containing pre-filled data that you use when creating new EDI messages to send to your trading partners. GXS TradeWeb lets you save templates from messages you create in order to re-use the data you have already entered.


A standard used almost exclusively in the United Kingdom.

Trading Partner

A party (e.g., company) with whom you trade. This may be either the sender or receiver of information in EDI. Also known as the TP.

Trading Partner Agreement

A document that describes the terms of sale, payment, usability, warranties, transaction data sets, processing times, and conflict resolution steps, (to name a few) between trading partners. You should establish a Trading Partner Agreement with each new partner before trading electronically.

Transaction set

A block of information in EDI, making up a business transaction, or part of a business transaction. This is sometimes known as an EDI document, but more widely as an EDI message.


A program used to convert information from a flat file to EDI format, or from EDI format to a flat file. This is also known as translation software. It is typically used to translate in-house software files (flat files) that contain business information, such as billing or order information, to the format required by the EDI software used to communicate electronically between trading partners.

Transmission window

The days and times, agreed upon by all Trading Partners, during which EDI documents can be sent and received electronically.

Outside of maintenance times, GXS TradeWeb subscribers can send and receive messages 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.


Also known as Return, turnaround is a feature that lets you respond to an incoming document, automatically filling the return document with data from the original document. For example, GXS TradeWeb lets you turnaround Purchase Orders. You can create a Purchase Order Acknowledgment or Invoice by replying to, or returning, an incoming Purchase Order. Much of the information on the return message is automatically filled from the original Purchase Order.

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User ID

A set of letters and/or numbers, assigned during registration, that uniquely identifies each subscriber to the service.



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Value Added Network

A system wherein a network leases communication lines from a communications carrier, enhances the lines by adding improvements such as error detection and/or faster response time, and then enables others to use the service(s) on those lines for a fee. This is abbreviated as VAN.

See also Network


A retail industry standard based on ANSI ASC X12.

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